
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Caprese salad is a light salad made with tomatoes, mozzarella, basil, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. The color in this salad makes up the colors of the Italian flag and it originated in the southern island of Capri. Traditionally, it includes tomatoes, basil, mozzarella cheese and olive oil. This caprese salad recipe adds a decadent balsamic drizzle that takes it up another notch.

I started my garden today by planting tomatoes and that made me think of caprese salad. I love getting outside and digging in the dirt, it brings back memories of my childhood. Gardening is a form of meditation for me, it quiets my mind. Two heirloom tomato plants, two cherry tomato plants and some basil will provide me with many of these tasty salads to come.

Caprese salad
Caprese salad


I believe there’s just something extra special about a sticky balsamic drizzle over vine ripe tomatoes and mild mozzarella cheese. This is such an elegant dish to present to dinner guests and could not be any easier to make.

This salad pairs nicely with roasted chicken or grilled fish; I’ve enjoyed it alongside a steak as well. Ultimately, Caprese salad stands up on its own as a light lunch with a slice of French bread. I make a Caprese Chicken recipe which incorporates these basic ingredients and puts them over baked chicken breasts as well.

How to make a balsamic drizzle

Fair warning, making a balsamic drizzle will stink up the house! Your first step is to open a window, if you can, if not oh well! Please don’t let this deter you, it’s quite spectacular. The glaze can be used with other dishes, too. I have put it on vanilla ice cream. I know that sounds weird, just try it. It will blow your mind!


In a small pan on medium heat, pour in balsamic vinegar and continuously stir. It will start to bubble after about 5 minutes and will then reduce begin to reduce in size. The longer you simmer it the stickier it will become. Now, at this point, your kitchen will smell pretty funky. You are going to have to trust me, it’s going to be ok. I Promise.

I have seen balsamic glaze in the grocery store if you don’t want to make your own.

Caprese Salad
Caprese salad

In my opinion, it is necessary to make this with a fresh vine ripened tomato, preferably an heirloom tomato. Thats because the tomato is the stariof this dish.

If you’re unable to find a worthy tomato, then opt for cherry tomatoes. Cherry tomatoes or grape tomatoes have a sweet flavor that beats an out of season store-bought tomato.

Tailgate markets, farmers markets or roadside produce stands are the best place to find an upstanding tomato for this dish, unless you grow your own. Obviously, the summer months bring out the best produce around here.

Additionally, you will need to pick out a good quality mozzarella cheese for this caprese salad recipe. Buffalo mozzarella is what’s generally used but I think a Burrata would be wonderful with this recipe. But, stay away from shredded mozzarella, as you need a decent sized slice of soft cheese to balance upon your tomato.



Rating: 1 out of 5.


Sweet sticky balsamic glaze drizzled over vine ripe tomatoes, fresh mozzarella and basil makes this an elegant dish, great for a side dish or a light lunch.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Course Appetizer, lunch, Salad, Side Dish
Cuisine American, Italian, Mediterranean
Servings 2
Calories 141 kcal


  • 1 tomato large, sliced
  • 1 oz fresh mozzarella sliced thin
  • 4 leaves basil large
  • cup balsamic
  • 1 tbsp olive oil extra virgin
  • dash black pepper fresh ground


  • In a small saucepan, over medium heat, simmer balsamic vinegar until it reduces by half and becomes thick enough to coat the spoon. Set aside to cool
    ⅓ cup balsamic
  • Slice tomato into 4 slices. Slice mozzarella into 4 slices.
    1 tomato, 1 oz fresh mozzarella
  • Layer tomato, mozzarella and 1 basil leaf. Repeat to form 2 layers. Drizzle with 1/2 tbsp olive oil and balsamic glaze. Add a small amount of cracked black pepper.
    1 tomato, 1 oz fresh mozzarella, 4 leaves basil, ⅓ cup balsamic, 1 tbsp olive oil, dash black pepper
  • Repeat step 3 to form second portion
    1 tomato, 1 oz fresh mozzarella, 4 leaves basil, ⅓ cup balsamic, 1 tbsp olive oil, dash black pepper


CAL 141   CARB 8.4G   FAT 9.7G   PROTEIN 3.8G
This can be made with 1 cup cherry tomatoes, sliced in half.  Cut mozzarella into chunks close to the size of the halved cherry tomatoes.  Cut basil leaves and sprinkle over tomato and mozzarella.  Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.  Finish with a dash of black pepper.
Keyword balsamic, caprese, mozzarella

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